Monday, October 02, 2006


OK, we went to the Louvre today. All is well, nothing really important appears to be missing..

Overall, a great experience. The highlight for me however was getting to see one of my favorites paintings up close and personal!

Long story short. Leonidas is the dude in the middle with the odd hat. He is King of Sparta basically. He and 300 Spartan bad boys are in the center of a battle at Thermopalyae in Greece. About 200,000 Persian naughty boys wanna kick the Spartan's ass. So the Persian king sends a mouthpiece, who tells Leo to give up his spears. Leo replies..."come get them". Cool.

So the Persian mouthpiece says.."We will fill the sky with so many arrows and spears, we will blot out the sun!" To which one of the Spartan tough guys replies..."Great! We prefer to fight in the shade!" Gotta love a man with great big brass balls!



At 4:59 PM, October 02, 2006, Blogger ScarySquirrelMan said...

actually, if one looks closely at the painting one finds that Leo's balls are neither large nor made of brass. in fact, one might begin to consider the contemporary meaning of the word "spartan" as a direct result of seeing this painting.
and how did he manage to sit still for so long in order for this to be painted? my nuts would have gone numb within an hour.
how are the cheese-eating surrender monkeys treating you?

At 5:01 PM, October 02, 2006, Blogger ScarySquirrelMan said...

the guys in the right front corner look like they're auditioning for La Cage Aux Folies. some sort of prehistoric kung fu move? ot just happy to be there?

At 10:14 AM, October 03, 2006, Blogger Mustang said...

Overall, the French seem ok. When you realize that certain portions of their country is constantly overrun by uncouth people, unfamiliar with their history, customs, language and political situation, you get a little less testy with their world-class testy-ness, and cosmically-awesome boredome as you struggle with their language on a menu...merely describing sausage and saurkraut.

At 9:32 AM, October 04, 2006, Blogger lecram sinun said...

I always found they were always friendlier outside of Paris... or in the tucked away local neighborhoods of the city like Rue Clair (sp?)


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