Wednesday, October 04, 2006


The cathedral of Sacre'-Coeur sits atop a hill in the area of Montmarte. This area is where alot of the original Bohemians hung out, but now its just were a lot of wanna-be Bohemians hang out, attempting to convince you that despite your true need for a cold beer after the hike up the hill, you should have them draw a portrait of you. I'm sorry, I am thirsty and I have a camera. I will support the arts in a different manner, such as helping brewmasters with their art of making "happy fluid"!

Anyway, in the spirit of artsy crap, I experimented with black-and-white photography, constrast, pattern, and other artsy/photography-centered stuff, and took some pictures of the stone road. Art...go figure.

The Cemetary...

We went looking for Jim Morrison's grave. It was covered with film crews, actors, gaffers, grips, electricians, best boys, make-up, and caterers. Making a movie (not Bollywood, but we saw that at the Louvre and Arc de Triumphe') and so we were "discouraged from paying our respects". However, I had more fun watching the cats in the cemetary. The one on the right was hunting mice...

We then went to Pigalle, or as it is also known, Pig Alley. Moulen Rouge is the nicest place in the neighborhood! We went during the late afternoon, and you could tell then that this was a wild and crazy place.

Anyway, more photos than I can post.



At 5:09 PM, October 04, 2006, Blogger ScarySquirrelMan said...

what? the cats don't eat monkeys?

At 6:51 PM, October 04, 2006, Blogger lecram sinun said...

No SSM... but they do like a hearty burgundy after their supper... and slap each other passionately when they dance to the accordian musical renditions of Tom Waits. Wait... maybe it was the fleas that like to do that.

At 5:30 AM, October 05, 2006, Blogger ScarySquirrelMan said...

but the monkeys over there are so easy to catch. they practically line up for it. why, i remember back in 1943...

At 8:18 PM, October 17, 2006, Blogger airplanejayne said...

Mustang -- no apology necessary for your traditions. They are true -- which makes them enjoyable.

And I promise I will never take a bat (or any of my other weapons) to your truck....

--as long as you promise to bring "your telescope"
::snicker snicker::
to the next "traditional" outing at my ranchette.

oh, and bytheby, I like the artsy crap -- pussy hunting food....


At 2:54 PM, October 22, 2006, Blogger Mustang said...


Thank you. I will always bring my large, black, shiny telescope to your house!

Oh yea..the art stuff definetly works..err..worked!



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